Monday, January 5, 2009

Trees and Freeze

Happy New Year Everybody! I don't have any heartfelt words about the last year and the upcoming one. I think my Thanksgiving post covered all that pretty well so let it suffice to say all the best to you for the upcoming year.

Even though the temperatures dropped and there is snow on the ground there are some beautiful things to see at the Gardens. The junipers are purple and yellow. I'm still shocked that the snapdragons still have some green to them. I'm sure they are frozen stiff and would break as soon as you touch them but they are still a vibrant green. Of course all the critter tracks are super cool (no pun intended until now). I get a kick out of seeing so clearly where all our animal visitors are spending their time. Except you yutzes that insist on letting your dogs romp through the garden beds. Just because you can see it doesn't mean there aren't plants under there. Your dog is doing a lot of damage to my garden beds. We work hard to make the gardens nice so please keep your dog out of them. If you can't control your dog, leash it.

You'll see by the blue sky that I did not take this photo today. The new growth on this tree is bright red, really stunning.

And our pond is sensational with this incredible ice sculpture that has been building up since we have been having such cold temperatures.

Just because it is bone shattering cold outside doesn't mean you shouldn't come down to the Gardens. Bundle up! And remember you can always warm up in the greenhouses.

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