Sunday, November 23, 2008

Juggling Cats

I'd like to give a shout out to the Tamarisk Coalition. They have been doing incredible work out on Watson Island. Just look! You can actually see the Gardens from the Watson Island pathway. Astonishing.

Not only have they been working on the tamarisk, they've been cutting down the Russian olive trees and the Siberian Elms aka Chinese Elms. Saturday was the last volunteer day until spring so I went down and hauled off some Russian olives after they got cut. The olives weren't the only thing that got cut. I did too. The thorns on those trees are viscious. At the end of the day, or in my case end of the half day, you go home with a collection of cuts that are proof of your hard work. Or if you are modest you just tell folks you've been juggling cats.

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